Beginning Yearbook

Students will start with basic yearbook terminology, introduction to theme and coverage, caption, copy and headline writing, and fundamentals of design and photography. Designed for those with little or no experience.

Advanced Yearbook/Leadership

This course blends advanced yearbook design techniques with comprehensive editorial leadership training, equipping students with the skills needed to excel as both creative designers and effective team leaders. Designed for experienced staffers and editors.

Advanced Design

Learn how to go beyond basic grid design and start incorporating advanced design theory, techniques, and strategies. We will look at how to find inspiration and work toward designs you can use in your 2025 yearbook. We will cover topics such as typography, hierarchy, and graphics elements to help elevate your spread.


Your yearbook is 80% photos. Don’t you want to make sure you have the best shots? Tackle your photography, from basics for the beginners, to workflow and trouble shooting for more advanced shooters. Don’t worry about your gear—we’ll have plenty of cameras to share and experiment with.


Learn how to make your stories sing as you move through interviewing, information gathering, and exploring new angles to writing engaging captions and headlines. A variety of storytelling forms will be explored, including first-person perspectives, anecdotal narratives, and more.

Veteran Adviser

This is a opportunity to collaborate with other experienced yearbook advisers. Share ideas, resources, and learn what worked and didn't work in the classroom.